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When Teaching Our Children is Only Half the Answer – Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin
May 14, 2023 When Teaching Our Children is Only Half the Answer – Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin

At last year’s Agudath Israel of America convention, Rabbi Joey Haber addressed the audience on raising children in the age of technology. Rabbi Haber pointed out that roughly every twenty […]

3 Lessons from Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe: Advice from a Master Educator by Rabbi Leib Kelemen
March 8, 2023 3 Lessons from Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe: Advice from a Master Educator by Rabbi Leib Kelemen

We can often achieve outstanding results (and steer clear of disaster) just by following a handful of trustworthy principles. This is the case when it comes to raising confident, emotionally strong children. Rav Shlomo Wolbe, zt”l, a master educator from the previous generation, offered these pieces of timeless guidance:

Resilience by Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt
March 8, 2023 Resilience by Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt

When children break their legs or arms, it is usually what is known as a greenstick fracture. Their bones do not snap; rather, they bend. This is paralleled emotionally. Children […]

What You Can Do To Raise Resilient Children
March 8, 2023 What You Can Do To Raise Resilient Children

By Zahava Farbman As told to Steve Lipman The pandemic definitely played and continues to play a large role in the mental health of our children. We’re going to be […]

Creating a Relationship With a Child – Rabbi Yair Menchel
February 7, 2023 Creating a Relationship With a Child – Rabbi Yair Menchel

When thinking of a parent creating a relationship with a child, I immediately think of my own relationship with my parents. I have always felt extremely fortunate to have a […]

Isolation versus Inoculation: Guidelines for Parents in Meeting the Challenge of Digital Technology – Dr. David Pelcovitz
February 22, 2023 Isolation versus Inoculation: Guidelines for Parents in Meeting the Challenge of Digital Technology – Dr. David Pelcovitz

Guidelines for Parents in Meeting the Challenge of Digital Technology  When I address parents in our community about their role in ensuring their children’s responsible use of digital technology, they are […]

Restoring the Values of Home and Responsibility – Rabbi Moshe Hauer
February 22, 2023 Restoring the Values of Home and Responsibility – Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Nothing is particularly new about women serving as breadwinners.  The Mishna (Kesubos 59b) considered it incumbent upon active homemakers to contribute to the family income in order to avoid the spousal tension […]

Take Two Tablets and Skype Me in the Morning: The Challenges of Our Children’s Technology – Dr. Eli Shapiro
February 22, 2023 Take Two Tablets and Skype Me in the Morning: The Challenges of Our Children’s Technology – Dr. Eli Shapiro

By Dr. Eli Shapiro “But everyone has one!” “I’m the only one in my class without a (fill in the blank).” It’s that time of year again; the pressure on […]

Two Simple Ways to Be a Great Parent – Adina Socolof
February 20, 2023 Two Simple Ways to Be a Great Parent – Adina Socolof

So often I hear parents saying, “I am such a bad mother/father!” “My kids are always misbehaving!” This kind of talk can make parents feel hopeless. Being a great parent […]