
The Jewish Holidays/Chagim are a major part of our religion, and here at GenAleph, we prepare you to give your child the best experience, from A-Z.

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All Episodes

Lighting the Way: A Guide to Meaningful Chanukah Celebrations for Families | Rabbi Yair Menchel
Episode 1 Lighting the Way: A Guide to Meaningful Chanukah Celebrations for Families | Rabbi Yair Menchel

In this episode, Rabbi Yair Menchel shares tips on how parents can make Chanukah a meaningful and fun experience for their children. He emphasizes the importance of creating a...

How to Prepare Children for Teshuva – Rav Judah Mischel
Episode 2 How to Prepare Children for Teshuva – Rav Judah Mischel

How to explain Teshuva to your children? How to prepare yourself and your family for Teshuva? What strategies to use to...

Practical Advice on How to Prepare Children for Yamim Noraim – Mrs. Sharon Richter
Episode 3 Practical Advice on How to Prepare Children for Yamim Noraim – Mrs. Sharon Richter

How to prepare our home for Yamim Noraim? How to help children understand and relate to Yamim Noraim? How to get ready for Yom Tov? Welcome to another episode of...

5 Creative Ways to Make Sukkot Memorable for Kids | Sari Kopitnikoff
Episode 4 5 Creative Ways to Make Sukkot Memorable for Kids | Sari Kopitnikoff

This episode of the Jews Next Dor podcast features Sari Kopitnikoff, a bestselling Jewish author and creator of educational games and...

Pre-Rosh Hashanah Parenting with Rabbi Shmuel Reichman
Episode 5 Pre-Rosh Hashanah Parenting with Rabbi Shmuel Reichman

How important is our own self-development for your children? How to help children find their true selves and grow? How to enable children to deeply connect to HaShem? Welcome to...

From Tears to Reflection: Helping Children Navigate Loss on Tisha B’Av – Rabbi Larry Rothwachs & Sally Shatzkes
Episode 6 From Tears to Reflection: Helping Children Navigate Loss on Tisha B’Av – Rabbi Larry Rothwachs & Sally Shatzkes

How can parents help children to appreciate and really tap into the 3 weeks, the 9 days, and ultimately, Tisha B’av? How can parents model mourning when it is...

Pre-Shavuos: 5 tips to get our children excited about Torah
Episode 7 Pre-Shavuos: 5 tips to get our children excited about Torah

Do you want to help your children become excited about Torah this Shavuos? Have their own Kabbolas HaTorah? If yes, this episode is for you. We will go through...

Special Yom Ha’atzmaut Episode – Special Yom Ha’atzmaut Episode – Raising Children in Israel – Rav Jesse Horn
Episode 8 Special Yom Ha’atzmaut Episode – Special Yom Ha’atzmaut Episode – Raising Children in Israel – Rav Jesse Horn

What are the benefits and challenges of raising children in Israel? What are the the differences between growing up in America and Israel? In this special Yom Ha'atzmaut episode,...

11. Pre-Pesach Series Ep.6 | Making a Fun and Creative Seder w/ Sari Kopitnikoff
Episode 9 11. Pre-Pesach Series Ep.6 | Making a Fun and Creative Seder w/ Sari Kopitnikoff

In this final episode of our Pre-Pesach series, we end off with the creator of That Jewish Moment - Sari Kopitnikoff. She is sharing some amazing and very creative...

10. Pre-Pesach Series Ep.5 | The Seder Preparation w/ Rabbi Yechiel Weberman
Episode 10 10. Pre-Pesach Series Ep.5 | The Seder Preparation w/ Rabbi Yechiel Weberman

How to prepare an exciting and educational Seder? What props and visuals to use to keep the kids involved? What does the Seder look like in Rabbi Weberman’s home? Rabbi...

9. Pre-Pesach Series Ep. 4 | The Seder Preparation w/ Mrs. Sharon Richter
Episode 11 9. Pre-Pesach Series Ep. 4 | The Seder Preparation w/ Mrs. Sharon Richter

How to prepare a joyous and educational Seder? What are some pro tips that can help parents? How to make sure all kids are involved and have a voice? Welcome...

8. Pre-Pesach Series Ep. 3 | Structure & Flexibilty w/ Dr. Robin Akselrud
Episode 12 8. Pre-Pesach Series Ep. 3 | Structure & Flexibilty w/ Dr. Robin Akselrud

How can we maintain our family routine during Pesach? What to do with your kids during Pesach preparations? How to...

7. Pre-Pesach Series Ep. 2 | The Seder Positive Atmosphere And Great Storytelling Are The Key!
Episode 13 7. Pre-Pesach Series Ep. 2 | The Seder Positive Atmosphere And Great Storytelling Are The Key!

How should parents prepare for the Seder? What should be our goals when preparing the Seder? How to engage children of all ages? Welcome to another episode of The Jews...

6. Pre-Pesach Series Ep.1 | The Seder Can Be Educational and Fun w/ Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky
Episode 14 6. Pre-Pesach Series Ep.1 | The Seder Can Be Educational and Fun w/ Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky

This week, in preparation to Pesach, we are happy to talk to Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky, the Principal of Judaic Studies...

All Articles

Parenting Lessons for Shavuot – Adina Soclof
June 4, 2024 Parenting Lessons for Shavuot – Adina Soclof

As we move into the Shavuot, The Ten Commandments and Megillat Ruth take center stage.  There is much we can learn from them and glean about our...

Embracing the Oneness Within: “אֶחָד” – A Parent’s Guide to Nurturing Godly Souls – Rav Mordechai Burg
April 21, 2024 Embracing the Oneness Within: “אֶחָד” – A Parent’s Guide to Nurturing Godly Souls – Rav Mordechai Burg

כְּנֶגֶד אַרְבָּעָה בָנִים דִּבְּרָה תוֹרָה: אֶחָד חָכָם, וְאֶחָד רָשָׁע, וְאֶחָד תָּם, וְאֶחָד שֶׁאֵינוֹ יוֹדֵעַ לִשְׁאוֹל. Corresponding to four sons did the Torah speak; one wise, one [who considers...

Time to Clean: Gaining Kid’s Cooperation this Pesach – Mrs. Adina Soclof
April 17, 2024 Time to Clean: Gaining Kid’s Cooperation this Pesach – Mrs. Adina Soclof

Here it is again. That time of year when there is so much to do. You really need your kid’s help. You want them to cooperate without the arguing...

Embracing Our Children Just As They Are – A Chanukah Lesson
December 12, 2023 Embracing Our Children Just As They Are – A Chanukah Lesson

Once again we find ourselves planted in the garden of Chanukah, being nourished by the warm glow of the Chanukah Neiros. Chanukah means inauguration, dedication or initiation....

The Three Weeks and Tisha B’Av: Modeling Mourning for our Children – Rabbi Phil Karesh
July 19, 2023 The Three Weeks and Tisha B’Av: Modeling Mourning for our Children – Rabbi Phil Karesh

Every year, we commemorate our storied and difficult past with the Three Weeks, a period of tiered mourning. We start with lighter restrictions - no music and...

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