Boundaries and independence: Life Lessons For Kids In Summer Camp | Rabbi Natan Farber

Special Guest Episodes
Boundaries and independence: Life Lessons For Kids In Summer Camp | Rabbi Natan Farber

About the Episode

How does a parent know when their child is ready for sleepaway camp? How can parent’s teach their children the importance of boundaries in a camp? What are the life lessons a child can learn at summer camp? 
Welcome to another episode of The Jews Next Dor! This one of our special episodes where we have an opportunity to talk about pre camp, wherein parents can learn how to best prepare their children for a summer camp.  We sat down with the incredibly talented and creative Rabbi Natan Farber, the director of Camp Dina and the Director of Student Activities at DRS High School for Boys. 
00:00- 03:15 How does a parent know when their child is ready for sleepaway camp? 
3:15-07:28 The lessons that these kids learn in sleepaway camp. 
(10:58) The importance of boundaries in camp. 
(16:56) The importance of hiring people who are caring and loving in the appropriate way. 
(19:39) What do you recommend in terms of shabbos food? Do you allow packages? 
(22:22) Do you have phone calls and camp like friday phone calls? 
(28:45) How to deal with children who are homesick. 
32:15) What are some of the most common reasons kids are unhappy? 
(35:05) The importance of focusing on the personality of the student. 
(38:34) The more confident you are in yourself, the easier it is to shut down bullies. 
(43:33) What are the life lessons learned at summer camp? 
(46:55) How does a parent prepare their child for taking medication? 
(50:29) The difference between helicoptering or bulldozing to remove an obstacle. 
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