Bringing children to their full potential – Rav Ahron Lopiansky

Special Guest Episodes
Bringing children to their full potential – Rav Ahron Lopiansky

About the Episode

How does a parent bring out a child’s inner convictions? What is the most important goal of a parent? How to be a good parent and a good role model to your child? How to help your child develop a relationship with Hashem?

Welcome to another episode of The Jews Next Dor! We have the real pleasure to talk to Rav Ahron Lopiansky about bringing our children to their full potential and the best parenting practices to achieve that goal.

Harav Ahron Lopiansky is Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva Gedola of Greater Washington. In addition to giving daily shiurim at the Yeshiva, Rav Lopiansky is sought after as an international lecturer and an accomplished author.

His knowledge of the widest array of topics in both Limudei Kodesh and Limudei Chol makes his shiurim all the more inspiring and fascinating. Rav Lopiansky has written a number of seforim in both Hebrew and English as well as a Siddur mefurash.

00:00 Growing up and having a great parenting example
05:04 Letting children find their own way
08:06 The goal of a parent is to bring a child’s potential into reality
15:58 How to help a child willingly accept laws and restrictions
19:50 How to help a child develop a relationship with Hashem
21:35 How to help a child commit to Torah
28:00 Which battles are worth fighting?
32:16 Disciplining a child while maintaining a positive relationship
33:54 Teaching Torah to kids of different ages
36:48 What to consider when choosing a school for your child?
40:01 How to prevent raising spoiled and entitled children?
44:46 How to develop patience as a parent?
47:26 The most important parenting goal
48:52 How to combat apathy?
55:12 The final message


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