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Parenting in Unity – The Soul of Parenting – Slovie Jungreis-Wolff – Book Excerpt
August 17, 2023 Parenting in Unity – The Soul of Parenting – Slovie Jungreis-Wolff – Book Excerpt

Excerpted and adapted from The Soul of Parenting, by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff. August 2023. Reprinted with permission. Parenting in Unity Mommy, Daddy, and Our Parenting Mission When Spouse and Child Are Against […]

This Child of Ours: Learning Love from the Story of Yishmael – Ben Sorer U’Moreh Part 6 – Rav Mordechai Burg
August 16, 2023 This Child of Ours: Learning Love from the Story of Yishmael – Ben Sorer U’Moreh Part 6 – Rav Mordechai Burg

As we have already repeatedly demonstrated, the Sugya of Ben Sorer U’Moreh is replete with invaluable Chinuch insights. Let us once again turn to the phrase that we examined in […]

Turning the Tide of Entitlement – Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin
August 11, 2023 Turning the Tide of Entitlement – Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin

As the dismissal teacher directed traffic at pick-up, she noticed a fourth grader exit the gate and walk towards his father’s car, positioned just a few spots back in the […]

Our Unique Children – Ben Sorer U’Moreh Series Part 5 – Rav Mordechai Burg
August 8, 2023 Our Unique Children – Ben Sorer U’Moreh Series Part 5 – Rav Mordechai Burg

  With Hashem’s help we have already gleaned so many invaluable Chinuch lessons from the topic of the Ben Sorer U’Moreh. Once again let us delve deeply into this topic […]

Facing the Challenges of a Unique Generation – Ben Sorer U’Moreh Series – Part 4 – Rav Mordechai Burg
August 3, 2023 Facing the Challenges of a Unique Generation – Ben Sorer U’Moreh Series – Part 4 – Rav Mordechai Burg

As we have already explained in previous articles, the Sugya of the Ben Sorer U’Moreh is rich with invaluable Chinuch lessons. Let us once again delve deeply into this Parsha […]

Helping Our Children Think Through Decisions – Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin
July 28, 2023 Helping Our Children Think Through Decisions – Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin

One of the most important skills we can give our kids is the ability to think through their decisions. Children are naturally rash, not known for considering consequences before taking […]

The Eight Habits of Highly Effective Jewish Parenting – Dr. Chaim Botwinick
July 28, 2023 The Eight Habits of Highly Effective Jewish Parenting – Dr. Chaim Botwinick

As we know, the challenge of parenting is not a “one-size-fits-all” endeavor; nor does an effective parenting approach for one child necessarily transfer or apply to another child in the […]

Criticizing Our Children – Ben Sorer U’Moreh Series – Part 3 – Rav Mordechai Burg
July 25, 2023 Criticizing Our Children – Ben Sorer U’Moreh Series – Part 3 – Rav Mordechai Burg

Nine years ago I was hospitalized In Haddasah Ein Kerem for a month with a ruptured appendix. I was admitted into the ICU where I was on a constant drip […]

The Three Weeks and Tisha B’Av: Modeling Mourning for our Children – Rabbi Phil Karesh
July 19, 2023 The Three Weeks and Tisha B’Av: Modeling Mourning for our Children – Rabbi Phil Karesh

Every year, we commemorate our storied and difficult past with the Three Weeks, a period of tiered mourning. We start with lighter restrictions – no music and no haircuts – […]

Maintaining your child’s physical safety in 2023 takes a village. We can defy the odds – Mindi Zissman
July 18, 2023 Maintaining your child’s physical safety in 2023 takes a village. We can defy the odds – Mindi Zissman

It was my first day volunteering as a “safety parent” at my kids’ day school. I was standing in front of the most adorable 2nd grade girls when one raised […]