Strengthening Marital Harmony: Unlocking Parental Effectiveness – Shalom Bayis Practical – Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin

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Strengthening Marital Harmony: Unlocking Parental Effectiveness – Shalom Bayis Practical – Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin

About the Episode

How can we take care of our own marriage so we can be the best parents we can be and nurture our children’s nature? What practical steps can two partners do to improve their shalom bayis? How we respectfully disagree in front of children? Why is martial harmony so important for parenting?
In this informative podcast, a seasoned psychotherapist, Rabbi Dr. Dovid Lessin, delves into the significance of enhancing marital harmony, or Shalom Bayis, as a means to enhance parental effectiveness, and answers these questions and much more. Rav Lessin emphasizes the importance of couples dedicating quality time to each other, even amidst challenges, and underscores the value of seeking positivity in one another, expressing gratitude, and maintaining a sense of connection even when physically apart. Additionally, Rav Lessin discusses the art of respectfully disagreeing in front of children, prioritizing understanding over winning, and modeling healthy conflict resolution. Empowering parents to trust their instincts regarding their children is stressed, as they possess the deepest understanding of their kids. Rav Lessin also highlights the vital role of parental self-care, recognizing that nurturing oneself enables one to be the best parent possible. Promoting bonding through playful interactions and meaningful eye contact is encouraged. Overall, this podcast offers invaluable insights from an experienced expert on how bolstering marital harmony, or Shalom Bayis, can enhance parental efficacy and create a nurturing environment for the entire family.
[0:00] Introduction
[7:47] The Importance of Quality Time in a Relationship
[12:31] Deliberate Non-Reactivity: A Key Relationship Approach
[15:43] Understanding the Depth of ‘Anything’ 
[22:13] Practical Applications of Connection in Parenting
[28:13] Recognizing the Need for Breaks in Disagreements
[34:02] Balancing Togetherness and Separateness in Marriage
[42:29] Guiding Parents through Challenging Topics with Kids
[47:31] Defining Boundaries: What to Share with Our Children
[52:54] Harnessing Your Child’s Ability to Foster Group Comfort
[55:57] Addressing Parental Bias and Its Impact on Children
[1:02:09] Unexplored Areas of Bias: Essential Parental Knowledge
[1:08:16] Consequences of Inattentiveness in Children

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