What is Shalom Bayis? How important it is for the development of children? How to achieve unity and harmony with your spouse? Welcome to...
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What do we do when our marriage issues are effecting our parenting? What does a healthy marriage look like? How do marital problems affect our children? How to deal...

In this episode of the "Jews Next Dor" podcast, we welcomes special guest Aliza Ben Shalom, known as the Jewish matchmaker from the Netflix show Jewish Matchmaking. Aliza shares her...

In this episode of the "Jews Next Dor" podcast, we wrap up our month of

How can we take care of our own marriage so we can be the best parents we can be and nurture our children's nature? What practical steps...
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Early in my family therapy training, I realized that growing up in a family did not necessarily mean I understood one. As an intern, I quickly found myself knee-deep...

Excerpted and adapted from The Soul of Parenting, by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff. August 2023. Reprinted with permission. Parenting in Unity Mommy, Daddy, and Our Parenting Mission When Spouse and Child Are Against You How to...

As we continue our exploration of the Ben Sorer U’Moreh in order to glean valuable Chinuch lessons and reap the reward of raising healthy and well adjusted children we...